Sunday, November 30, 2008

Are Nude Beaches the Answer to Economic Woes?

via by USAnudist on 11/28/08

Richard Mason, President of the Florida Naturist Association, is well known in nudist circles as one of the founding fathers of Haulover Beach and South Florida Free Beaches.

In the following article from the Palm Beach Post, he presents a compelling argument for the creation of nude or clothing-optional beaches as a way to generate money for the State of Florida to offset the pending budget shortfall facing Florida State Parks.

Nude beaches seen as cover for cash gaps

By Frank Cerabino

Palm Beach Post staff writer

Friday, November 28, 2008

Times are tough, maybe even tough enough to start paying more attention to one of the state's leading nudists.

"It's time for the state of Florida to grow up," said Richard Mason, the president of the Florida Naturist Association.

Mason, who lives in Miami-Dade County, was in Boca Raton this week to urge Palm Beach County's legislative delegation to take a less-is-more approach to plugging holes in the state budget.

Mason's idea is simple: More nude beaches equals more state revenue.

"If you can build golf courses for golfers, why can't you designate beaches for naturists?" Mason asked.

He uses Haulover Beach Park in Miami-Dade as Exhibit A.

For the past 18 years, that beach has been designated as a sanctioned clothing-optional beach — the only one in the state.

"It's drawing more visitors than the Florida Marlins and the Miami Dolphins combined," Mason said.

And the county is reaping the benefits of the $5 parking fee, which brings in about $1.4 million a year, he said.

"Every year the parking money keeps going up and up," he said. "Nothing stops it from growing."

Mason estimated that 60 percent of Haulover's visitors travel from other parts of the state, elsewhere in America or abroad to sunbathe in the raw.

"It's a destination beach all because it's a naturist beach," he said.

Mason's pitch for more nude beaches is especially well timed because Gov. Charlie Crist is looking to make significant cuts in state spending, including from the Division of Recreation and Parks. That division has been asked to come up with a 10 percent cut in its operating costs.

To do that, the division has come up with a plan to close 19 parks across the state until the economy rebounds. None of the parks is in Palm Beach, Martin or St. Lucie counties.

But instead of closing the parks, Mason has argued, the state can more than compensate for its revenue shortfalls by keeping all the parks open and changing the designation of a few beachfront parks into clothing-optional spots.

"Naturists like to be around the ocean," he said. "You put one of those beaches in Palm Beach County and it will draw a lot of people."

The John D. MacArthur Beach State Park in northern Palm Beach County had been an unofficial clothing-optional beach until the state took it over in the 1980s and began arresting nude sunbathers there.

A state appellate court decision ruled that being nude alone does not constitute indecent exposure, and that there must be some lewd and lascivious behavior with it.

"So you can have a naturist beach as long as it is in a designated area," Mason said.

Public officials, however, have been reluctant to make accommodations for nudists.

In 1989, Palm Beach County's Tourist Development Council turned down a request by the Eastern Sunbathing Association to officially make a portion of MacArthur Beach State Park clothing-optional.

Like Mason's request this week, the sunbathing group made an economic argument to the tourism board, saying that a nude beach would bring in dollars to the county.

But that was during more comfortable economic times, days when it was easier to dismiss nudists dangling dollars.

In today's budget climate, its harder to scoff at Mason's pitch without mulling over the pros and cons.

"It's been a successful formula at Haulover for 18 years," he said. "Why not give it a try?"

Or to put it another way, what's worse?

A bare-bones budget or some bare-bones bathers.


NAC Advisory - Death of Lee Baxandall


via Diary of a Nudist by (Nudiarist) on 11/28/08

Copyright 2008 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

DATE: November 28, 2008
SUBJECT: Lee Baxandall (1935-2008)
TO: All naturists

Dear Naturist,

The Naturist Society has announced with profound sadness that its founder, Lee Baxandall, has died in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Baxandall, who had suffered from Parkinson's Disease, was 73 years old at the time of his death on November 27, 2008.

Baxandall began his work as a naturist activist more than 30 years ago. With a background in writing and publishing, Lee's naturist passion led him in 1976 to form the Free Beaches Documentation Center, which he located in his hometown of Oshkosh. By 1980, Lee had founded The Naturist Society (TNS), and TNS had presented its first Gathering for naturists. 'Clothed with the Sun,' the flagship publication of TNS in its early years, was renamed 'Nude & Natural,' or more simply, 'N' magazine in 1989. Today, the magazine has a staff of professional and volunteer writers, but in the early days, much of the content of the magazine was pure Baxandall.

Lee was also the initiating force behind other familiar naturist organizations. In 1983, it was a Baxandall idea (and $70 in seed money that Lee pulled from his own pocket and gave to Murray Kaufman) that led to the TNS special interest group that would become Gay Naturists International. In 1990, Baxandall jump-started the Naturist Action Committee as an adjunct to TNS. The Naturist Education Foundation followed in 1993.

For the decades of the 1980s and 1990s, 'Lee Baxandall's World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts' was the standard companion for those seeking information on naturist destinations throughout the world. Each edition of the World Guide reflected Lee's naturist philosophy, not only for growing numbers of naturists, but also for the benefit of an expanding mainstream audience. Baxandall's World Guide is the inspiration for 'The World's Best Nude Beaches and Resorts,' a recent TNS publication that carries on the tradition.

In 2002, recognizing the inevitable effect of his declining health, Baxandall transferred ownership of The Naturist Society to a carefully selected handful of longtime associates. TNS is necessarily a dynamic organization that responds to the changing needs of its members. Nevertheless, owners Nicky Hoffman Lee and Margaret Thornton have remained remarkably faithful to the vision of Lee Baxandall.

Arrangements are pending. Lee's family has not yet announced details. More complete obituaries will, of course, appear in N magazine and in The Newsletter. The Naturist Action Committee will distribute further information in the form of NAC Updates, as details become available.

The directors of the Naturist Action Committee and the Naturist Education Foundation join with the ownership and staff of The Naturist Society in marking, with respect and appreciation, the passing of an exceptional individual.

"Body acceptance is the idea. Nude recreation is the way."
- Lee R. Baxandall (1935-2008)


Bob Morton
Executive Director
Naturist Action Committee

Naturist Action Committee (NAC) - PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Director Bob Morton -
Naturist Society:
Nicky Hoffman Lee –
Online Representative Dennis Kirkpatrick -

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Give Your Opinion!

The Naturist Society is conducting a poll about the best nude beaches and resorts. Pop on over and give your 2 cents...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

NAC UPDATE 8/27/08

via Diary of a Nudist by (Nudiarist) on 8/28/08



Copyright 2008 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its
content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

DATE: August 27, 2008
SUBJECT: NAC wins San Onofre lawsuit!
TO: Naturists and other concerned citizens

Dear Naturist,

The Naturist Action Committee is pleased to
make you aware of an important new development in the battle to preserve a portion of San Onofre State Beach for clothing-optional use.

A California Superior Court has ruled today in favor of the Naturist Action
Committee (NAC) in its lawsuit against the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). DPR had attempted earlier this year to bypass state law regarding changes to public regulations, as it moved precipitously to end
the traditional clothing-optional use of a small portion of San Onofre State Beach in San Diego County.

In May, DPR announced its intent to begin citing beachgoers for nudity at San Onofre, a site that has been used by
skinny-dippers and nude sunbathers for decades. DPR's most recent timetable called for citations to be issued after Labor Day. However, in today's ruling, the court declared, "Dept of Parks must comply with the provisions
of the California Administrative Procedures Act before it makes any changes in its enforcement."

Further, the Court said, "until the administrative process is completed, Parks shall maintain the status quo, and
enforce the Cahill Policy as it has done since its issuance and subsequent interpretation by the Harrison letter, at Trail 6 in San Onofre State Beach."

NAC filed the lawsuit in July as a result of the Department's
recent attempt to put an abrupt end to traditional clothing-optional use at San Onofre State Beach. Specifically, DPR had attempted local recision of its own long-standing policy of managing clothing-optional usage in State
Parks. That policy, issued in 1979 by then-DPR Director Russell Cahill, set out a procedure for management of clothing-optional portions of State Parks. The regulation not only addresses nudity in State Parks, but also allows
for designation for clothing-optional areas.

The Cahill Policy, as it became known, was cited as Park Department policy in a California Superior Court case (People v. Bost, 1988) and was affirmed in 1988 as the
operational administrative procedure for California State Parks in a letter written by then-DPR Deputy Director Jack Harrison.

The California Department of Parks and Recreation had argued recently that the Cahill Policy
does not constitute a public regulation, and that DPR's sudden attempt to change public policy without public input was immune from the requirements of the State's Administrative Procedures Act.

The ruling in NAC's
lawsuit was issued today, Wednesday, August 27, 2008, by Judge Sheila Fell of the California Superior Court for Orange County. The Court declared that "the Cahill Policy, as interpreted by the Harrison letter, is a

Represented by attorney Elva Kopacz, the Naturist Action Committee maintained in its lawsuit that in abrogating the Cahill Policy, the Department of Parks and Recreation had violated the state's
Administrative Procedures Act. The APA requires state agencies to go through prescribed procedures, including public hearings, before making changes to regulations or public policies that have the force of regulations. The DPR
did none of those things and had claimed to be immune from the requirement.

Joining NAC as petitioners are Friends of San Onofre Beach (the local TNS-affiliated naturist group), as well as individual beach users Allen
Baylis and Gerda Hayes.


Details of this situation and specifics of the Cahill Policy and associated documents may be found on the Web page:


The Naturist Action Committee is in this for the long haul. Today's win is gratifying, but no one should imagine that California's Department of Park and Recreation will simply go away. NAC filed
its lawsuit only after its attempts to negotiate with DPR had been rebuffed. Looking forward, NAC will renew, in good faith, its offer to negotiate.

DPR may choose to proceed with its attempt to ban nudity at San Onofre.
If the Department follows the law, there will be public hearings on the matter and other opportunities for the public to be heard. You can count on NAC to make you aware of those developments.

Meanwhile, the Court has
said that DPR must operate the Trail 6 area at San Onofre State Beach as it did before it attempted to ban clothing-optional use there.

NAC says: Enjoy the beach!


This is a NAC Update. No additional letters to DPR Director Coleman are being sought at this time. However, NAC does request that you:

Stay informed. NAC will continue to issue Action Alerts, Advisories and Updates on this issue as circumstances require. Look for them.

Keep going to the beach at San Onofre, and keep using it in the traditional clothing-optional manner. CA Parks is attempting to intimidate beachgoers into simply evaporating. We must NOT allow that to happen!

Respect the beach. DPR has attempted to characterize the beach at San Onofre as place that accommodates illicit sex. Please stand up for proper clothing-optional beach etiquette!

If you are approached by a ranger on the beach or in the parking area at San Onofre, make a detailed note of the encounter, including the date, the time, the ranger's name and what was said. E-mail your account to:

Do not be combative or
confrontational, but you may make it quite clear that you are taking notes.


Additional information and links are available, along with this NAC Update on the web site of
the Naturist Action Committee.


NAC is committed to the defense of traditional clothing-optional use of
public land. NAC does not hesitate to hire lawyers and lobbyists when it's necessary, but that can be very expensive. NAC does not have a membership roster on which it can simply assess dues. NAC relies entirely on the
voluntary support of people like YOU.

Won't you please send a generous donation to:

PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903

Or call toll free (800) 886-7230
(8AM-4PM, Central Time, weekdays) to donate by phone using your MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Or use your credit card to make a convenient online donation:

Thank you for choosing to make a difference.


Allen Baylis
Board Member
Naturist Action Committee

Naturist Action Committee (NAC) - PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903

Executive Dir. Bob Morton -
Board Member Allen Baylis -
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick -

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

San Onofre in the New York Times

San Onofre was covered in yesterday's New York Times. Read more here.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Judge blocks no-nudity rules - San Diego Union Tribune


Tentative ruling bars enforcement at beach
By Terry Rodgers

August 20, 2008

SAN ONOFRE – Nudists who congregate at the remote southern end of San Onofre State Beach can still let it all hang out, at least for a while longer.

A tentative ruling yesterday by an Orange County judge has halted plans by the state Parks and Recreation Department to enforce no-nudity rules after Labor Day.

“We've got them pinned back,” said Allen Baylis, president of the Friends of San Onofre Beach, a group seeking to preserve the nudist tradition at the north San Diego County beach.

In June, state parks officials announced they were ending a three-decade-old practice of allowing nudity at what is known as Trail 6 beach.

Parks officials said they intended, beginning Sept. 2, to cite or arrest beach-goers who refused to heed posted warnings prohibiting nudism.

The Naturist Action Committee, a national pro-nudist group, sued, claiming the state could not unilaterally change a state policy without first holding a public hearing. In addition, the suit said, parks officials must codify the new rules through the state's Office of Administrative Law.

In her preliminary ruling, Superior Court Judge Sheila Fell sided with the naturists and ordered the state to “maintain the status quo.”

Lawyers for both parties are scheduled to appear in court in Orange County today to deliver oral arguments on the ruling.

Nudism is not technically legal at California's state beaches. However, since 1978, the department's policy has been to leave nudists alone unless a complaint from the public is received.

Ultimately, state parks officials may still be able to adopt a zero-tolerance stance against nudity at San Onofre, but their path now contains more steps.

“This puts a huge speed bump in their way,” Baylis said.

Parks officials said strict enforcement of nudity laws was necessary to deter lewd conduct by people attracted to the permissive atmosphere at the beach. Action had to be taken, they said, because the illegal sexual activity had created a hostile and “sexually charged” workplace detrimental to park employees.

The naturists say they have cooperated for decades with state parks officials to deter sexual activity at the beach and its bluff-top trail.

“This is all about freedom,” Baylis said. “It has nothing to do with sex.”

Friday, August 08, 2008

Northeastern Naturist Gathering

The Northeast Naturist Gathering is taking place at Empire Haven this week. There is a great article covering the event here; definitely worth a read!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Website is back up

After much discussion and deliberation, we have re-launched our website. We have redesigned it and updated as much of the text as possible, given the busy times. This blog will now be a part of the oversite, instead of the main focus.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Eastern Naturist Gathering

Today marks the first day of the Naturist Society's Eastern Naturist Gathering at Eastover Resort in Lenox, MA. We'll be heading over tomorrow and tenting. Should be fun -- We hope to see you all!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Love at a Nudist RV Park (Huffington Post)


Love At A Nudist RV Park

When my husband Tim announced he wanted to "chuck it all" and travel around the country in a converted bus for a year, I gave this profound and potentially life-altering notion all the thoughtful consideration it deserved.

"Why can't you be like a normal husband with a midlife crisis and have an affair or buy a Corvette?" I demanded, adding, "I will never, ever, EVER, not in a million years, live on a bus."

We're both psychiatrists, but he's obviously the better shrink, for we soon set forth with our two querulous cats, sixty-pound dog - and no agenda - in a 340-square-foot bus.

The trip was truly life-changing in many ways: We learned how not to put off our dreams, and the importance of living now. We also learned to pare down our lifestyle, so that we could spend more time with the people we love - instead of the things we love. Finally, I hadn't realized how comfortable - too comfortable - my life had become. Many of us work so hard all our lives, wake up one day and ask, "Is this all there is?" I hadn't realized the importance of continuing to challenge and stretch myself.

Although we had our share of disasters on the trip (fire, flood, armed robbery and my developing a bus phobia, to just to name a few), it were the adventures and misadventures that helped us grow, shake things up and add back a certain "spark" that we didn't even realize was missing. Perhaps nothing taught me the importance of getting outside my comfort zone more than... well, let's just say it was hard enough getting on the bus. But a nudist RV park?

Although as a psychiatrist Tim is very much in tune with unconscious drives, hidden meanings, and deep-seated motivations, he is also a typical guy. And typical guys want to go to nudist resorts. Not being any type of a guy myself, I had always informed him I would never, ever, EVER, not in a million . . . Oh, what's the use? By now I had clearly lost any semblance of free will. I was, after all, living in a bus for a year. I didn't stand a chance. Not that I was nonchalant about this, mind you; I'd started Atkins in anticipation - just in case - months before. I need not have bothered, for as I discovered, nudists are incredibly low-key. Unless, that is, you're trying to get into one of their parks. Then they can be just as big a pain in the ass as any prudes.

As we neared California, I checked around on the Internet. One place seemed particularly promising, so I called and asked if they were, indeed, clothing optional.

"No," the lady unequivocally answered.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I must have the wrong information," I apologized, hoping she didn't think me some weirdo. But something in her voice made me query further.

"So . . . people don't walk around naked?" I tried to confirm.

"Oh, yes, they do," she answered. Is this place English optional, or what? "Okay . . . but you're not clothing optional." I offered slowly, with impeccable pronunciation.

"No, we're nudist," she snapped. Well, excuuuuse, me. "I'm not sure I know the difference," I conceded. She explained that when inside the park, one is required to be naked. Now I got it. It was the optional, not the clothing, that was the problem with the whole clothing optional thing. Who knew? I proceeded with what I thought was a perfectly reasonable follow-up question.

"Can I wear shoes?" She guffawed, muzzled the phone, and called out to some other nuditity-requiring linguiphile, "She wants to know if she can wear shoes!" For those as clueless as I, the answer is yes. I decided she could keep her shod-optional accommodations and found a different park.

When we pulled into Olive Dell Ranch Nudist Resort in Colton, California, I faced yet another dilemma: Usually, I headed to the office to check in while Tim stayed with the bus. Should I take my clothes off now? What if, in a variation on the universal nightmare, this was some God-awful joke and everyone was clothed but me? I was wearing earrings. Do I take them off, too? A valid question, methinks, even after the shoe debacle. I could have called on my cell phone and asked, but it seemed a mite like the shoes question and I didn't feel like being laughed at again just yet, especially as I was anticipating that reaction as soon as I stepped off the bus, anyway.

I kept my clothes on. The woman in her home office had not. (Note to self: This could very well be my dream job, for not only can one work at home, but not even have to get dressed.)

I soon discovered that none of my concerns mattered. In a nudist park, everything is stripped down, so to speak. As Tim observed, there's no macho, no pretense, no posturing. Your balls (and whether or not you have any) are out there for everyone to see. (Especially, as we would later discover, when partaking of naked karaoke.) But our favorite part of the entire experience had to be the maintenance guy who walks around nude except for his tool belt. An interesting effect, for every time he turned around, I nearly exclaimed, "Hey! You dropped your . . ." Oops.

If you'd like to see my video of the nudist RV park (now, I have your attention), please visit my website, and click on the travelogue link.

Doreen Orion is a psychiatrist and award-wining author. Her book, QUEEN OF THE ROAD: The True Tale of 47 States, 22,000 Miles, 200 Shoes, 2 Cats, 1 Poodle, a Husband, and a Bus With a Will of Its Own has just been published by Broadway Books, an imprint of Random House.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Joke of the Day (Edinburgh Evening News)

Joke of the Day

A notice on the gate of a nudist camp read: "If you have nothing on this evening come and join us".

Mrs C Smith, Assynt Bank, Penicuik


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Caliente Tampa suspended by national association


Pasco nudist resort suspended by national association

Caliente LAND O'LAKES -- Caliente Resorts, often billed as the "Ritz-Carlton" of Pasco County nudist resorts, has been temporarily suspended from the American Association for Nude Recreation.

The suspension is over allegations that Caliente had been associating itself with swingers groups through third-party Web sites, said Doug Butler, president of the Caliente masters association, which represents the hundreds of homeowners and condo owners who live near the resort.

Carolyn Hawkins, spokeswoman for the American Association for Nude Recreation, declined to discuss the nature of the allegations. But she confirmed an investigation is under way and the association's board could vote to reinstate Caliente as soon as August.

The association is a prominent marketing organization that offers discounts to members. Its members agree, as part of the AANR charter, to be family-friendly.

Angye Fox, a spokeswoman for Caliente, said she would release a statement later this afternoon.

Caliente hosts monthly parties put on by a group called Aahz, which on its Web site describes its parties as "lifestyle oriented," a phrase often associated with swingers. A Web site featuring the swingers' lifestyle also highlights Caliente. And Fox will be a featured speaker at the upcoming Swingfest, the "world's largest swingers party and adult expo," held in Hollywood, Fla.

Butler, the homeowners president, said the parties or Web sites haven't resulted in any run-ins between the attendees and Caliente residents. "Behavior hasn't been a problem," he said. "It’s more of the Web site stuff that appears Caliente has an association with these kinds of groups."

Visitors to Caliente, along with other central Pasco nudist resorts, contribute a good chunk of tourist dollars to the Pasco economy each year.

Jodie Tillman, Times staff writer

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

NAC Action Alert - San Onofre State Beach, California

NAC Action Alert - San Onofre State Beach, California

This is an Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee. NAC is asking for your immediate help in responding to a serious threat in the state of California.

NAC has learned that Ruth Coleman, Director of California's Department of Parks and Recreation, has abruptly revoked the application of the Department's Cahill Policy, as it applies to clothing-optional portions of San Onofre State Beach in San Diego County. Rangers have been told to begin "educating" beachgoers, starting June 1. The issuing of citations for nudity in the traditional clothing-optional area is to follow after 30 days.

Copyright 2008 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is
responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the
posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided
that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

DATE : May 21, 2008
SUBJECT: California: San Onofre State Beach
TO : Naturists and other concerned citizens

Dear Naturist,

This is an Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee. NAC is asking for your immediate help in responding to a serious threat in the state of California.

NAC has learned that Ruth Coleman, Director of California's Department of Parks and Recreation, has abruptly revoked the application of the Department's Cahill Policy, as it applies to clothing-optional portions of San Onofre State Beach in San Diego County. Rangers have been told to begin "educating" beachgoers, starting June 1. The issuing of citations for nudity in the traditional clothing-optional area is to follow after 30 days.


NAC urgently requests that you contact the Director of CA Parks to express your vigorous opposition to this disastrous change in policy. Detailed contact information is included below. However, so that your contact with the Director's office will have the greatest impact, please first take a couple of moments to learn about this situation.


Since 1979, the California Department of Parks and Recreation has operated under a policy put in place by then-DPR Director Russ Cahill. The policy came in the form of a memo issued to senior staff, explaining Cahill's decision not to designate clothing-optional areas in state parks. It also directed that citations for nudity in state parks would only be issued following a complaint and a failure to comply after a subsequent warning.

The policy has been in continuous effect since it was issued. It figured prominently in an important court case (California v. Bost) and was reaffirmed by CA Parks Deputy Director Jack Harrison in 1988.

Details of the Cahill memo, the Bost case and the Harrison letter are included on the NAC Web site, along with the text of California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 4322, which is the authority under which the Director proposes citing those who are nude at San Onofre.


Naturists are always alert to the negative effect that illicit sexual activity can have on clothing-optional beaches. The regulars at many clothing-optional areas are quite effective at educating and discouraging those who would endanger the beach through sexual activities. At San Onofre, the problem has been diminished greatly in recent years, due in large part to those who really care about continued clothing-optional use of the beach.

The traditional clothing-optional beach at San Onofre is adjacent to Camp Pendleton, a Marine Corps training base. Although those who wander onto the military base are subject to arrest for trespass, the area is lightly patrolled. For those who seek sex in the open, the military beach has become the site of choice, and the razor wire field fencing at the property line has proved to be no obstacle. Naturists have shown reluctance to pursue the scofflaws onto the military base, and State Park Rangers have no authority there.

Recent retirements among those in the CA Parks management team responsible for San Onofre have brought replacements who are intolerant of clothing-optional recreation. Instead of encouraging and allowing the cooperation of naturists in policing illicit activity, Rich Haydon, the new manager who took over at the beginning of this month, has featured the nearby sexual activity in his reports, using it as an excuse to request permission to put an end to recreational nudity at the beach. Haydon has reportedly represented to his superiors that a majority of those who come to enjoy the clothing-optional beach are participants in illicit sex there.

The response from CA Parks headquarters in Sacramento was the revocation of the Cahill Policy as it applies to San Onofre. The Department is reportedly seeking to insulate itself from sexual harassment claims by park employees who have complained recently of a "sexually-charged atmosphere." That sort of complaint is customarily reserved for employer-employee or co-employee interaction, and it inappropriately ignores the fact that State Park rangers are peace officers with a duty to arrest those who engage in illicit activities.


At the present time, only San Onofre State Beach is affected by this change in policy. The real possibility that the same thing may happen at other California state parks is, of course, an ominous specter.


The Naturist Action Committee recognizes the severity of this situation and has taken quick action.

1) NAC has submitted to CA Parks a formal request for an
administrative stay on implementation of this abrupt
change in policy.

2) NAC has made Public Records requests for documents pertaining
to this situation and the administrative action surrounding it.

3) NAC is retaining a lobbyist to assist and advise it in the
often-difficult area of regulatory procedure.

4) NAC has retained legal representation and has begun the process
that may ultimately result in civil action against the State of
California and the Department of Parks and Recreation.

5) From the onset of this situation, NAC has been working closely
with Friends of San Onofre Beach, the local user group. NAC and
FOSOB will be meeting with CA Parks officials this week on
this matter.


The Naturist Action Committee is asking you to contact the Director of CA Parks to express your concern and outrage over this turn of events. NAC is also asking you to attend a rally at San Onofre this coming Saturday.


NAC is requesting ALL NATURISTS and other concerned individuals to contact the Director of Parks and Recreation, regardless of your place of residence.. California understands the importance of out-of-state visitors who come to enjoy the state's beaches, lakes and streams. The change in policy applies to those visitors, as well as to California residents. While all are encouraged to make their voices heard, the participation of Californians is, of course, particularly important.

Send a letter, a fax or an e-mail, or make a phone call.

Director Ruth Coleman
Dept. of Parks and Recreation
1416 Ninth Street,
Sacramento, CA 95816

DIRECTOR'S OFFICE FAX: (916) 657-3903

NAC encourages you to send copies of your faxes and paper mail to:

NAC, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903.

Send copies of your e-mails to:

When you write or call:

a) Be polite. You have a right to be outraged, but you will
achieve nothing positive by name-calling or rudeness.

b) Be known. Give your name and address. If you are a California
resident or a frequent visitor to California, point that out.

c) Be focused. Keep your call or your correspondence brief
and on target.

d) Be clear. Say that you OPPOSE the revocation of the Cahill
Policy at San Onofre State Beach in San Diego County.

Additional talking / writing points:

a) The precipitous change to public policy was done without
public input. That's not an acceptable way to administer
public resources.

b) The so-called "solution" does not address the real problem.

c) A recent public opinion poll (the 2006 NEF/Roper Poll,
commissioned by the Naturist Education Foundation and conducted
by the Roper polling organization) shows that a majority of
Americans favor the setting aside of public lands for
clothing-optional recreation.

d) In that same poll, an impressive 74 percent of Americans
believe that people who enjoy nude sunbathing should be able
to do so without interference from local officials as long as
they do so at a beach that is accepted for that purpose.

e) Rangers and park managers must NOT confuse simple nudity with
lewd behavior. Rangers presently have the authority to stop lewd
activity, and that authority does not require the abrupt
discontinuation of a long-standing policy that has worked well
for years and years.


In close cooperation with Friends of San Onofre, NAC urges you to attend a rally at the beach on Saturday, May 24, 2008. Bring your own handmade signs to carry, if you wish. NAC will be providing a number of "Nude Beaches YES!" signs for participants.

This is an important event for those who are outraged at the Director's action and who believe San Onofre Beach is worth saving! If you're close enough to make it, please show up around 10 AM. Parking is limited.


Additional information and links are available, along with this NAC Action Alert on the web site of the Naturist Action Committee.

Select "Alerts" and find this NAC Action Alert under Current Alerts.


The Naturist Action Committee is the volunteer nonprofit political adjunct to The Naturist Society. NAC exists to advance and protect the rights and interests of naturists throughout North America. Fighting for the clothing-optional recreational use of public land is expensive. To do its job, NAC relies entirely on the voluntary generosity of supporters like you.

After you've contacted the Director of CA Parks, please take a moment to send a donation to:

PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903

Or call toll free (800) 886-7230 to donate by phone using your MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Or use your credit card to make a convenient online donation:

Thank you for choosing to make a difference.


Bob Morton
Executive Director
Naturist Action Committee

Naturist Action Committee (NAC)
- PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Dir. Bob Morton -
Board Member Allen Baylis -
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick -

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Barenaked Beer

via NaturistMusings by NaturistMusings on 5/6/08

From the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

Stevens Point Brewery's newly released Nude Beach beer attracts nation's nudist organizations
Posted: May 5, 2008

Stevens Point Brewery's newest beer leaves little to the imagination, and that's drawing admiring glances from an unlikely group of beer drinkers: those who imbibe sans clothes.
Nude Beach Summer Wheat

It's a whole subculture that I didn't know existed.
- Joe Martino,Stevens Point Brewery operating partner

Nude Beach Summer Wheat is the latest seasonal beer launched by Stevens Point Brewery, which has launched three other seasonal craft brews over the past year. The ale's name popped up during a brain-storming session, said the brewery's operating partner, Joe Martino.

"We decided to have a fanciful name," Martino said. That's a common marketing gimmick used in the brewing industry, where you don't even have to leave Wisconsin to find colorfully named beers such as Louie's Demise, Spotted Cow and Bitter Woman.

The beer's label features a nude beach scene - although the beachgoers have their naughty bits covered by such objects as a surfboard, towel and volleyball. The full monty would have not amused the federal regulators who approve beer labels, Martino said.

Nude Beach's recent launch quickly drew attention from the nation's nudists, said Carolyn Hawkins, spokeswoman for the American Association for Nude Recreation, a group that claims 47,000 members who enjoy sunbathing, swimming and other activities au naturel. The Kissimmee, Fla.-based group bills itself as "a trusted source for nudist information on such topics as what to expect at a nudist club, a nudist resort, or even from a skinny dipping experience."
"Our members have bombarded us with messages" about Nude Beach, Hawkins said.

And that led Hawkins to contact Stevens Point Brewery about providing some free beer for the association's annual convention. The event, which usually draws around 1,000 people, will be held this year at Turtle Lake Resort in Union City, Mich., which is south of Battle Creek, from Aug. 11-17.

Stevens Point, based in the central Wisconsin city of that same name, will provide 25 cases of Nude Beach in return for some ads in the group's newspaper, and in the convention bulletin.
"We're glad to get the help," Hawkins said. Colorado-based New Belgium Brewing Co. couldn't supply its Skinny Dip Beer to this year's convention because New Belgium doesn't distribute its brands in Michigan, she said.

Nude Beach will probably see a spike in sales thanks to the buzz among nudists, Hawkins predicted.

"The nudist organizations all stick together," she said.

Martino welcomes the fans of his nude, uh, new beer.

"It's a whole subculture that I didn't know existed," said Martino, whose company is probably best known for brewing Point Special Lager.

However, Martino doesn't plan to attend the August event.

"I might have attended 20 years ago, when my body was in better shape," he said.

Naked Life Changes


via NaturistMusings by NaturistMusings on 5/6/08

Photo from the Bare Necessities Website


'Honey, let's become nudists'
By Sarah Jio

(LifeWire) -- In 1989, Nancy Tiemann was 36 and living in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Tom. "We were both desperately in need of a getaway," says the one-time banking officer. When Tom suggested they join a boat trip to Belize chartered by a group of nudists, Nancy was

Tom, 66, a former lawyer, handed her a brochure on nudism and told her he thought the trip could be a lot of fun. After many discussions, she reluctantly agreed to give the experience a try -- under one condition: "I won't tell a soul; no one ever needs to know!"

Your marriage vows may have spoken of hanging in through sickness and health but what about stomaching extreme life makeovers?

"The prevailing message of our time is that you can be whoever you want to be," says Dr. Scott Haltzman, a clinical assistant professor in Brown University's department of psychiatry and human behavior. "The problem in relationships is that some partners change in ways their mates wouldn't have chosen for them. They begin to form new likes and dislikes, new tastes and ultimately new identities."

For Nancy, something unexpected happened in Belize.

"It was so refreshing to find out how wrong I had been with my preconceived ideas on nudity and being nude with others," she says. "A nudist was born."

Had it not been for her husband's dramatic suggestion, Nancy, 53, says she might never have discovered nudism, which is now a source of joy in her life -- and career. Shortly after their trip, the couple launched Bare Necessities Tour and Travel, a travel agency devoted to the nudist vacationer. It has since chartered more than 40 cruise ships carrying more than 25,000 nudist travelers.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

NAC ACTION ALERT - Seattle, Washington

via by USAnudist on 4/29/08

Supporting local activists, NAC is asking you to participate in an online survey to indicate that you favor the inclusion of clothing-optional areas in the City of Seattle's consideration of future strategic plans.

Copyright 2008 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

DATE : April 28, 2008
SUBJECT: Seattle, Washington
TO : All Naturists and others who are interested

Dear Naturist,

This is an Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee concerning an important situation in Seattle, Washington.


Supporting local activists, NAC is asking you to participate in an online survey to indicate that you favor the inclusion of clothing-optional areas in the City of Seattle's consideration of future strategic plans.

Please take a few minutes to participate in the online survey to show your support. The last day to complete the survey will be Wednesday, April 30, 2008.

ANYBODY may participate, including those who are not residents of Seattle. Take the survey at:

The survey is divided into six goals areas. The first four are most important to us. The last two are intended mainly for internal issues.


Goals I - IV are the most appropriate to fit in comments about wanting to have clothing-optional beaches. For your suggestions, you may wish to use the page referring to Goal II - "Provide Recreation and Learning Opportunities to Support Healthy & Diverse Communities."

Additionally, you may use the area entitled "other feedback" at the end of the survey. You may choose to make your survey comments anonymously, but NAC encourages you to lend strength to your suggestions by standing behind them with your name and address.

The survey invites you to respond to the question: "What, if anything, is missing from this goal area?" Use your own words to add comments. Here are some general suggestions:

1) Call for Parks & Recreation to help work with local groups
for the development of European-style clothing-optional beaches
that are properly signed along the 24 miles of available Seattle
Park & Recreation shoreline.

2) Quiet areas with a history of clothing-optional use on the
shoreline of Magnuson Park would be an excellent candidate for
clothing-optional use.

Use your own words. Suggest another beach area, or bring up other issues in which you are interested.


You may also want to point out:

1) For years, several beaches in Seattle have included areas that
have been used quietly and informally for clothing-optional recreation.
However, despite a high demand and preference for such areas,
there are currently no areas officially set aside or properly
signed for such purposes.

2) Many major cities on the west coast have many popular clothing-
optional beach destinations close by and there is high demand in
Seattle for the same type of opportunities. (You might want to
mention Wreck Beach in Vancouver BC, Collins Beach and Rooster
Rock State Park near Portland and the several state-owned
clothing-optional beaches that exist along the California coast.)

3) Relate your own positive experiences of skinny dipping at Seattle
beaches. This could be casual use of a traditionally used area or
as a participant during a WNBR, Magnuson Beach Bares, BFC or other
organized event.

4) Seattle is a major body-positive town with large numbers of events
which have some social nudity aspects including many naked bike rides
(artistic and political), body painting parties, Magnuson Beach Bares,
Sun Lovers Under Gray Skies, Body Freedom Collaborative, and nude swims
at municipal pools (pioneered by NAC) There are several large social
nudity communities in the Greater Seattle area.

5) You may also want to direct attention to
for more general info on the Web and/or to
for a local Seattle skinny-dipping group.

6) If you live outside the Seattle area you may wish to add
(probably under Goal II): You and your family enjoy traveling to the
West Coast/Pacific Northwest and visiting clothing-optional beaches
is a major activity that you look forward to when vacationing.

7) You expect that every civilized city will have clothing-optional beaches
for local use and as tourist attractions, and you don't understand why
Seattle, of all cities, has no officially-designated beach areas.

Perhaps these comments can go on the Goal III page OR at the very end of the survey under Section 7 "Overall and About You" under "other feedback"


Local activist Daniel Johnson offers these important remarks, which NAC is including verbatim in this Action Alert.

"If you're going to talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk. Actions speak louder than words. If Parks really intends to do outreach and do relationship building, work with local non profits and support diversity, as is indicated in the SAP, it must recognize the steady call for clothing-optional beaches by locals and discontinue stalling against any real long-term change. It is time to move beyond the status quo and begin working with locals on creating partnerships for building healthy, family-friendly, clothing-optional beaches along with other forms of clothing-optional recreation in the City.

"Parks & Rec must find a way to properly staff clothing-free swims by local groups with lifeguards. The recent policy change which has resulted in canceling nude swims at Ballard Pool is discriminatory and ridiculous. By all conventional measures of being an adult, including the fact that 18 year olds are adult enough to go to war, marry and raise children, why are 18 year old lifeguards not considered adult enough to staff the swims? Parks & Recreation purposefully raised the age limit recently for lifeguards from 18 to 21 knowing that most lifeguards are younger and tend to move on after a few years as a lifeguard and that having no staff to fulfill the ridiculous new age requirement would force these events to be canceled."


Seattle Parks and Recreation is seeking input from the public regarding its Strategic Action Plan (SAP), an important document that will determine the direction of Seattle Parks & Recreation for the next five years by defining its priorities and values. Seattle Parks & Recreation was charged to create the SAP by the Mayor's Office and the Seattle City Council because they felt that Parks & Rec was not being held accountable to the public.

Info on the SAP is at

This is our big opportunity for our voices to be heard and counted!! They have to acknowledge our comments in a formal manner!

The SAP meetings and the online surveys are a great opportunities for us to convey to Seattle Parks & Recreation that we need opportunities for European-style clothing-optional recreation, especially designated clothing-optional beaches. It is absolutely critical that the skinny-dipping community be represented in the Strategic Action Plan.

Thanks for participating!


For additional local information, contact:

Daniel Johnson
(206) 369-2661 cell


The Naturist Action Committee is a volunteer nonprofit organization that exists to advance and protect the rights of naturists throughout North America. Identifying and fighting bad local lawmaking is necessary, but it's expensive. To do its job, NAC relies entirely on the voluntary generosity of supporters like you. To donate to NAC, use the address below

PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903

Or call toll free (800) 886-7230 to donate by phone using your MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Or use your credit card to make a convenient online donation:

Thank you for choosing to make a difference.


Bob Morton
Executive Director
Naturist Action Committee

Naturist Action Committee (NAC) - PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Dir. Bob Morton -
Board Member Mark Storey -
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick -

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Naturist Clubs in the United States

View Larger Map

The locations provided on this map are not guaranteed to be geographically accurate. Please contact each Club, Resort, or Group for directions.

Club NameCityStateSource of DataClassification
Gymno-Vita ParkVandiverALAANRPark / Resort
Canyon State NaturistsMesaAZAANR,TNSTravel Club
Spiritual Naturists SIGMesaAZTNSSIG
Shangri La RanchNew RiverAZAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Arizona WildflowersPhoenixAZAANRTravel Club
El Dorado Hot SpringTonopahAZTNSHot Springs
Buff-A-TeersTusconAZAANRTravel Club
Our Sun HomeAnaheimCATNSB&B
Sutter Buttes Sun ClubAntelopeCAAANRTravel Club
Friends of Deep CreekApple ValleyCATNSGroups
Bakersfield Sun ClubBakersfieldCAAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Friends of TravertineBridgeportCATNSGroups
Friends of San OnofreCapo BeachCATNSGroups
Sequoians Family Nudist ParkCastro ValleyCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Olive Dell RanchColtonCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Glen Eden Sun ClubCoronaCAAANRPark / Resort
Golden Oaks ClubEl CajonCAAANRTravel Club
Swallows Sun Island ClubEl CajonCAAANRTravel Club
Amateur Radio SIGEncinitasCATNSSIG
Air A TansGardeniaCAAANRTravel Club
Sanrobles, Inc.HaywardCAAANRTravel Club
De Anza Springs ResortJacumbaCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Blacks Beach BaresLa JollaCATNSGroups
Naked VolleyballLaguna NiguelCAAANRTravel Club
Mystic OaksLake ElsinoreCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Central California BeachfrontLompocCATNSContacts
LlasaLos GatosCAAANRTravel Club
Lupin naturist ClubLos GatosCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Silver Valley Sun ClubNewberry SpringsCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Desert Sun ResortPalm SpringsCAANNR, TNSPark / Resort
Morningside InnPalm SpringsCAAANR,TNSB&B
Terra Cotta InnPalm SpringsCAAANR,TNSB&B
Turtle Back MesaPalm SpringsCATNSB&B
Central Coast NaturistsPismo BeachCATNSContacts
Natural Manner Club of CAReedleyCAAANRTravel Club
Northern California ExposureSacramentoCAAANRTravel Club
Deer Park Nudist ResortSan BernardinoCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Canyon Sun ClubSan BernardinoCAAANRTravel Club
Le ClubSan DiegoCAAANRTravel Club
Naturally CaliforniaSan DiegoCAAANR,TNSContacts
Camping BaresSan DiegoCATNSGroups
Bay Area NaturistsSan JoseCATNSGroups
Wee Bear ClubSanteeCAAANRTravel Club
Sierra SunchasersTracyCAAANRTravel Club
PacificansVan NuysCAAANRTravel Club
The Olympian ClubVictorvilleCAAANR,TNSContacts
Laguna del SolWiltonCAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Rocky Mountain NaturistsDenverCOAANRTravel Club
Orvis Hot SpringsRidgwayCO
Hot Spring
Mountain Air RanchIndian HillsCOAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Front Range NaturistsTimnathCOAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Valley View Hot SpringsVilla GroveCOTNSHot Springs
Garden Of Eden Travel ClubPlymouthCTAANR,TNSContacts
Sun Ridge ResortSterlingCTANNRPark / Resort
Solair Recreation LeagueWoodstockCTANNRPark / Resort
Southwest Florida NaturistsCape CoralFLAANRTravel Club
Seminole Health ClubDavieFLANNRPark / Resort
Gay Naturists InternationalFort LauderdaleFLTNSContacts
Sanibel Naturists, Inc.Fort MeyersFLAANRTravel Club
Sunnier PalmsFort PierceFLANNRPark / Resort
Sunsations Travel ClubFt. MyersFLAANR,TNSContacts
Gulf Coast ResortHudsonFLAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Northeast Florida NaturistsJacksonvilleFLAANRTravel Club
Cypress Cove Nudist ResortKissimmeeFLAANR,TNSPark / Resort
American Association for Nude RecreationKissimmeeFLTNSContacts
American Nudist Research LibraryKissimmeeFLTNSContacts
Club Paradise at Paradise LakesLand O'LakesFLANNRPark / Resort
The Island GroupLand O'LakesFLANNRPark / Resort
CalienteLand O'LakesFLAANRTravel Club
Sunsport GardensLoxahatcheeFLANNRPark / Resort
Naturally YoungLutzFLAANRTravel Club
Lake Como Family Nudist ResortLutzFLAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Vacation Au NaturelMiamiFLTNSTravel Consultant
Sunburst ResortMiltonFLANNRPark / Resort
Southern Exposure of NaplesNaplesFLAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Friends of Apollo BeachOrange CityFLAANRTravel Club
Central Florida NaturistsOrlandoFLAANRTravel Club
Rivera Naturist ResortPaceFLANNRPark / Resort
Sunny Sands ResortPiersonFLAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Hidden River ResortSandersonFLAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Singles SIGSt. PetersburgFLTNSSIG
Tallahassee Bare-DevilsTallahasseeFLAANRTravel Club
Bare BuddiesAtlantaGAAANRTravel Club
The Augusta NaturistsAugustaGAAANRTravel Club
Mountain Creek GroveClevelandGAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Serendipity ParkClevelandGAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Paradise ValleyDawsonvilleGAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
CyberbaresLawrencevilleGAAANRTravel Club
Bell Acres ResortMaysvilleGAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Southern NaturistOxfordGAAANRTravel Club
Mountain Oak Bares Naturist Travel ClubWarm SpringsGAAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Hawaii Naturist SocietyHonoluluHIAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Kona Sun KlubKailua KonaHIAANRTravel Club
SunChefsPearl CityHITNSSIG
Maui Sun ClubPuuneneHIAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Bare BackersBoiseIDANNRPark / Resort
Running BaresMoscowIDAANRTravel Club
Sun Meadow ResortWorleyIDAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Blue Lake IncErieILANNRPark / Resort
Park / Resort
Chicago Sun ClubWascoILAANRTravel Club
Illi Mo UtopiansWood RiverILAANRTravel Club
Drakes Ridge Rustic Nudist RetreatBenningtonINANNRPark / Resort
Fern Hills ClubBloomingtonINANNRPark / Resort
Bo KiserBloomingtonINTNSContacts
Sunshower Country ClubCentervilleINANNRPark / Resort
Fort Wayne NaturistsFort WayneINAANRTravel Club
Sunny Haven Recreation ParkGrangerINAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Second NatureIndianapolisINTNSContacts
Lake O'The Woods Club IncValparaisoINANNRPark / Resort
Sandy Lane Club IncHutchinsonKSANNRPark / Resort
Lawrence Area NaturistsLinwoodKSTNSContacts
Prairie HavenScrantonKSANNRPark / Resort
Heartland NaturistsShawnee MissionKSANNRPark / Resort
Lake EdunTopekaKSTNSPark / Resort
Bluegrass NaturistsNicholasvilleKYTNSContacts
La Pines RanchLacombeLAANNRPark / Resort

Skinny Dipping Hole

Outdoor Recreation SIGArlingtonMATNSSIG
Berkshire Vista ResortHancockMAANNRPark / Resort
Sunchasers Travel ClubLudlowMAAANRTravel Club
Sandy Terraces AssociatesMarstons MillsMAANNRPark / Resort
Sherwood ForestNorth ReadingMAAANRTravel Club
Chesapeake Jay BirdsBaltimoreMDAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Columbia Area NaturistsColumbiaMDTNSContacts
Pine Tree Associates Inc.CrownsvilleMDANNRPark / Resort
Maryland Health Society Inc.DavidsonvilleMDANNRPark / Resort
Pen-Mar ClubHancockMDANNRPark / Resort
Sunshine Gardens ResortBattle CreekMIAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Traverse Area NaturistsMedickMIAANRTravel Club
Whispering Oaks IncOxfordMIANNRPark / Resort
Forest Hills ClubSaranacMIAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Turtle Lake ResortUnion CityMIAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Oakwood Club IncCoon RapidsMNANNRPark / Resort
Avatan IncMinneapolisMNANNRPark / Resort
Sno-Birds, IncMinneapolisMNAANRTravel Club
Forty Acre ClubLonedellMOANNRPark / Resort
Bare HuntersSt. LouisMOAANR,TNSTravel Club
Show Me AcresStoverMOAANRPark / Resort
North Carolina NaturistsCharlotteNCAANRTravel Club
Pamlico PinesNew BernNCAANRPark / Resort
Central Carolina NaturistsRaleighNCTNSContacts
Bar-S-RanchReidsvilleNCANNRPark / Resort
Coventry Club & ResortTabor CityNCANNRPark / Resort
National Nudist CouncilKeeneNHTNSContacts
Sky FarmBasking RidgeNJTNSPark / Resort
Tri State Sun ClubBroadwayNJAANRTravel Club
Miniten SIGChesterNJTNSSIG
Sun Airs of New JerseyHackettstownNJAANRTravel Club
Goodland Country ClubHackettstownNJTNSPark / Resort
The Road WarriorsMays LandingNJAANRTravel Club
Naturally MagazineNewfoundlandNJTNSContacts
The Friends of GunnisonSayrevilleNJAANRTravel Club
Rock Lodge ClubStockholmNJANNRPark / Resort
Solaramblers Sun ClubWest CaldwellNJAANRTravel Club
Four Corners BaresAlburquerqueNMTNSContacts
Faywood Hot SpringsFaywoodNMTNSHot Springs
Magic CircleElyNVTNSContacts
Christian Naturists SIGRenoNVTNSSIG
Nevada Sun RanchoSandy ValleyNVAANR,TNSPark / Resort
SunFunBrockportNYAANRTravel Club
Friends of BuffaloBuffaloNYAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Buckridge Nudist ParkCandorNYAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Juniper Woods Inc.CatskillNYAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Northern Exposure Sun ClubClifton ParkNYAANRTravel Club
Bare Bones CampgroundLockeNYTNSPark / Resort
Empire Haven Nudist ParkMoraviaNYAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Rochester Naturist SocietyRochesterNYAANRTravel Club
Full-Tan Sun ClubSprakersNYANNRPark / Resort
Long Island TravasunsWantaghNYAANRTravel Club
Green Valley Inc.BathOHANNRPark / Resort
Cinci GymnosCincinnatiOHAANRTravel Club
Paradise GardensCincinnatiOHAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Northcoast NaturistsClevelandOHAANRTravel Club
Have Sun Will TravelMarionOHAANRTravel Club
Alpine ResortMillersburgOHANNRPark / Resort
Sunn Jammers Recreational ParkNewarkOHTNSPark / Resort
Cedar Trails RetreatPeeblesOHANNRPark / Resort
Great Lakes SunSeekersSylvaniaOHAANRTravel Club
Oaklake TrailsTulsaOKANNRPark / Resort
Willow Beach Nudist ClubTulsaOKTNSPark / Resort
Travel AmericaAlohaORTNSTravel Consultant
Rogue SuncatchersAshlandORAANR,TNSTravel Club,Contacts
The Central Oregon TumbleweedsBendORAANRTravel Club
Jerry MorselloEugeneORTNSContacts
WillamettansMarcolaORAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Socially United Nudist ClubMedfordORAANR, TNSTravel Club
Restful Haven Health ClubNorth PlainsORAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Hidden SpringsTravel ClubPortlandORAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Sun RoversPortlandORAANRTravel Club
Friends of Rooster Rock Nude BeachPortlandORTNSContacts
Beechwood LodgeAshfieldPAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Metro Naturists IncBensalemPAAANRTravel Club
White Thorn LodgeDarlingtonPAANNRPark / Resort
Susquehanna BaresDuncannonPAAANRTravel Club
Timber TrailsHersheyPAAANRTravel Club
Penn Sylvan Health SocietyMohntonPAANNRPark / Resort
Sunny Rest LodgePalmertonPATNSPark / Resort
Broken ArrowPolkPAANNRPark / Resort
Hilltoppers Sun ClubRed LionPAAANRTravel Club
Dyer Woods Nudist CampgroundFosterRIANNRPark / Resort
Low Country NaturistsCharlestonSCAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Carolina FoothillsChesneeSCAANR,TNSPark / Resort
ColaBaresColumbiaSCAANRTravel Club
Sunair Health ClubGranitevilleSCAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Creek Bend BaresGray CourtSCTNSContacts
Cedar CreekPelionSCANNRPark / Resort
Cherokee Lodge & ResortCrossvilleTNANNRPark / Resort
Timberline ResortCrossvilleTNAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Naturist TennesseeKnoxvilleTNTNSContacts
Rock Haven Lodge IncMurfreesboroTNANNRPark / Resort
Smokey Mountain TravelersNewportTNTNSContacts
BluebonnetAlvordTXAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Bare Necessities Travel AgencyAustinTXAANRTravel Club
Central Texas NudistsAustinTXAANRTravel Club
Hill Country NudistsAustinTXAANRTravel Club
Heart of Texas NudistsAustinTXAANRTravel Club
Acorn AcresBolingTXAANRPark / Resort
Travelin BaresCameronTXAANRTravel Club
BB's HideawayCantonTXANNRPark / Resort
Wildwood Naturist's ResortDecaturTXANNRPark / Resort
Natures ResortEdinburgTXAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Sandpipers Holiday ParkEdinburgTXAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Riverside RanchElmendorfTXANNRPark / Resort
Bolivar United Naturist SocietyGilchristTXAANRPark / Resort
Emerald Lake ResortHoustonTXAANRPark / Resort
Healthy Hides of HoustonHoustonTXAANRPark / Resort
The Natural TravelersHoustonTXAANRTravel Club
Natural TravelersHoustonTXTNSContacts
Castaways TravelHoustonTXTNSTravel Consultant
Gulf Coast Nudist Yacht ResortKemahTXAANRTravel Club
The Sun StrokersLivingstonTXAANRTravel Club
Massage SIGLivingstonTXTNSSIG
Star RanchMcDadeTXAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Natural HorisunNeedvilleTXAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Bexar Recreation SocietySan AntonioTXAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Live Oak ResortWashingtonTXTNSPark / Resort
Vista Grande RanchWeatherfordTXANNRPark / Resort
Pondarosa Resorts, IncWills PointTXAANRPark / Resort
Utah NaturistsSalt Lake CityUTTNSContacts
White Tail ParkIvorVAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Capitalsun.comLeesburgVAAANRTravel Club
Soul Barers SIGMerifieldVATNSSIG
Potomac Rambling BaresOaktonVAAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Bare Buns Family Nudist ClubOaktonVAAANR,TNSContacts, Travel Club
Abbott's Glen(near) WilmingtonVTANNR, TNSPark / Resort
Coventry Club & ResortMiltonVTANNRPark / Resort
Naturist Life InternationalTroyVTTNSContacts
Fraternity SnoqualmieIssaquahWAANNRPark / Resort
Forest Murmers IncLacyWAAANRTravel Club
Kaniksu RanchLoon LakeWAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Free SpiritsManchesterWAAANRTravel Club
Lake Associates Recreation ClubMt. VernonWAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Lake Bronson ClubSultanWAAANR,TNSPark / Resort
Uptown Village Hot TubsVancouverWAAANRPark / Resort
Hot Springs SIGVancouverWATNSSIG
The Naturals Club of SpokaneVeradaleWAAANRTravel Club
Valley View Recreation ClubCambridgeWIANNRPark / Resort
Park / Resort
Badger NaturistsMadisonWIAANRTravel Club
Free Beaches Documentation CenterOshkoshWITNSContacts
The TravaliersRacineWIAANRTravel Club
Friends of Mazo BeachSauk CityWITNSContacts
AvalonPaw PawWVAANR,TNSPark / Resort